Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Meditation for writers #1

My biggest problem when I sit down to write is being relaxed, letting go, and writing without a filter. Without judgment. Without second guessing myself. Finding that true connection between what you feel inside and the pen on a piece of paper.

On that note, I'm working on a quick 5-minute meditation for myself, to get myself in the right headspace when I sit down to write.

It's especially important for me, because writing is only one part of what I'm doing with my life. My writing time is scheduled during the day. Writing isn't my full-time job so I don't have say 10am-3pm blocked out solely for writing. I need to get in quick, because I don't have a ton of time.

Here's what I have so far:

  • Slow down. Feel the words coming from inside, coming out slowly. A direct connection from inside to the pen. No filter. Straight thoughts. All involves relaxing. Letting go. Don’t force it. What will be, will be. That's where your writing will come from. 

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