Monday, August 17, 2015

Love and life

One of the things that happens in these DMT trips, is they give you lessons on how to life live... They're all about love, love people, love you, love yourself, love everyone around you. Be kind. Don't worry about all the bullshit, just be nice to each other. Have fun, enjoy it. Spread it. And don't lie, don't deceive, don't deceive yourself, don't deceive anyone else, and don't lose perspective. You're going to be here, and then you're going to be there. And here, and there. And it's going to go on and on and on, it's this perpetual cycle that continues from birth to death, through infinity. And you're just an infinitesimal part of an endless cycle.
 - Joe Rogan Experience #681, 2:17 link

I came across this the other day and struck me as true words to live by. I'd like to put together a daily meditation based on this, what a wonderful way to start each day.

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