Thursday, August 20, 2015

Keep writing - Inglourious Basterds

QT worked on Basterds for 10+ years before he figured it out. He started it in the mid-90's, continuing to grow and expand the story until he had 3 scripts, but was still without a satisfying ending. 

After Kill Bill, he tried Basterds as a mini-series. Eventually, deciding against that idea, he trimmed it down to feature length, using Pulp Fiction as a guide. 

It's a little unclear when he figured out the ending, but Grindhouse came next. Finally coming back to Inglourious Basterds in 2006-7. 

Point being, he kept writing. As a fledgling writer, I'm terrified of putting something into production too early. I look to stories like this one as proof not to rush my creative process. Taking 10-15 years to "figure out" a story is not uncommon. But the important point for me to keep in mind is that QT kept writing. I tend to get mired in research.

I'm not sure who to attribute this quote to, a quick Google search didn't turn up much. But it's stuck in my head since I heard it. The secret to writing is to "keep the pen moving."

More on Basterds:

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