Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ryan Holiday on Twitter

I loved some of what Ryan Holiday tweeted today. My thoughts exactly, and I see direct analogies to independent film production and self-distribution.

And bookstores and publishers are notorious for missing huge potential audiences. Write it yourself and make all the $$

The Great Gatsby got rejected THREE times...and that was by white male editors. It takes force of will & now self-pub.

The industry bias is an opportunity for authors--to make good work and OWN it

Who buys the first 1,000 copies? Answer that question and you can publish anything--permission not required

The main bias is not cultural or race. It's inability to see new trends at all

actually have a potential advantage in terms of first 1k copies. Writing for "everyone" is a mistake most authors make

When the book is good, it spreads. When people buy, publishers/authors follow. 50 Shades of Grey was self-pub

Authors ALWAYS have to force their books down people's throats to start--especially when they are doing something new

Authors think they compete with each other. Really they compete for attention period. Really you need outlets to promote

Books sell on self-interest (word of mouth) not because publishers. The answer is there

But my point is like EVERY good book ever had that said about it

The people who tell you that are just guessing. The sales will come from your effort alone

One of my clients (a white guy) who sold 4M books was rejected by 25 publishers. Nobody knows. So push ahead

The other problem is people forget foreign markets. You don't have to write for America. China is pretty big

Publishers publish what they think will sell. Problem is they're wrong a lot. It's on authors to fix bad assumptions

Wrong a lot AND hard headed. But that's good: look at Tyler Perry, he owns his own studio because no one got it

There's good money in foreign editions too.